Saturday, January 28, 2012

I Never Thought

Even just a few months ago, I never thought I would be ready for marriage. I mean, half a year ago, I was totally against the idea. Well, not totally, but the male race really had me gung-ho for being single for a good long while.

And for most of my life, I considered those people who dated, got engaged and then married in the space of less than a year were crazy. What about getting to know a person? What about learning what you want and don't want in your spouse?

And then...Todd happened. And I just knew. I knew that if I didn't screw things up, that we'd end up together. That I wouldn't have to put up with dating non-commitally anymore. That I wouldn't have to wonder if my prince charming was still out there. Because I found him. I found the guy that I would want to be with in a forever with no end. And I want that forever to start as soon as it possibly can.

I mean, I don't want a middle of the semester wedding or to be married within three months of dating, but my rules of dating and being engaged for a total of two years have gone out the window. When you know, you know. Hopefully, I don't screw it up between now and then.

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