Sunday, May 29, 2011

Date Numero Dos

We went on a second date on Friday, the 27th. It was all pretty cool, we went to Sizzler and then walked around downtown again. I was suffering from a sunburn, which is halfway why it ended early.

Status: He's a nice guy and all...but I don't feel anything. Nothing, zip, nada. Like, he's a great friend and all, but I don't like him in that least right now. And he wants to go exclusive, which is something I don't want right now when I'll be working practically 24/7. I'm not saying I don't like him, because I do. Its just I need to feel more chemistry before we go exclusive.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 20th; First date in 11.5 months

So it is official. I went on a date. And the world didn't end! Take that.

Anyway, I had been trying to convince my mom to open the door because I had never met the guy and I wanted her to meet him first, but she refused. So when he knocked and then subsequently rang the doorbell because I was still getting ready, I rushed out and told him my dad wasn't home so he couldn't come in the house. Then we drove to Francisco's Mexican Restaurant in my town/city.

Did I mention he drives a manual transmission? Hahaha

Anyway, dinner went okay. We mostly talked about his mission and old companions and such. When we had finished with dinner, we still had about an hour till the movie so we spent half an hour walking around downtown, which was nice, I guess. He offered to let me drive to the movie theater, but I declined because I was worried that I wouldn't remember all that well on how to drive manual.

When we got to the movie theater, I discovered the tickets he bought was for Pirates of the Caribbean in 3-D. I had been expecting the non 3-D version. Good thing I was wearing my contacts :). So we waited for the movie to start and I discovered in the space of the movie that I was ravenously hungry. Which was annoying. But during the movie...

I laid my head on his shoulder because I was tired and all. And then I put my hand on his arm and then he started playing with it! Things ensued and long story short, we were touching for almost the whole time after that. It is the reason I hate movie dates.

And that's how the date went! He wants to go on another...oohh brother.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Third or Fourth time is the charm.

Same guy, different date. May 20th. lets see what comes up that prevents it from happening.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Why have my thoughts been dwelling?

I don't want to hurt again. None of us really ever want to hurt. But what I've been doing is really detrimental to my psyche. I can't think of anything without thinking of him. Maybe its that I haven't had a letter in a while. Maybe my mind is making too much stuff up. Its saying that he wants to get back together again, but my logical side says no. blah.